How to write a well-referenced blog post in 10 easy steps?

 A well-referenced blog post is one that gets excellent results from search engines. It is often the result of careful optimization. But how do you go about it? Here's a list of 10 steps you should follow on how to write a well-referenced blog post.

1: Choose your topic

Choose a topic that is important to you and that you know well. Before you start writing, you need to have a clear idea of the topic you will cover in your article.

This step is very important because it is often your topic that will decide the content and the keywords you will use in your article. Let your knowledge, your experience, your interests guide you...

You will inevitably find a theme that you are passionate about, to which you can add a personal touch.

2. Write your title

The title of your article is an important part of your blog. Indeed, it is the first element that Internet users will see and most often the only one that will be consulted. It is therefore of primary importance for the referencing of a blog article.

It must be attractive, clear and precise. Your title must express the subject of the content as well as the main points you will address. Don't forget to add the keywords you want to appear in search results.

Make sure your titles are no longer than 60 characters.

3: Choose your keywords

Paper, Writing, Old, Antique

With the help of your theme, make a list of keywords that you will use in your article.

This step is very important for the SEO of your blog. It is essential that your keywords are present in your article. But what do you need to do in order for them to be well identified by search engines?

Here are some rules to follow:

- The keywords must be present in the title of your article.

- They must be broken down into several words in the body of the article and appear several times in the article.

- If possible, use as many synonyms as possible.

Always keep in mind that they should not necessarily be centered on your subject but on the theme that will interest you.

4 : Choose your type of article

News, Daily Newspaper, Press

You have decided on the theme that you will address in your article. You've written a title that fits your topic. Now it's time to choose the type of article you will write. You can choose to do a news article, a summary or a review.

Your articles can be of any type: news commentary, recipes, videos, tips, etc.

Feel free to use existing articles for inspiration. Ideally, you should mix and match the different types of articles.

5: Choose your structure

This is not about writing your article but about defining the structure of your article. First, establish the outline of your article (i.e. everything that happens before the end of the article). Then, it's time to define the internal structure of your article.

Each article has a specific structure. Depending on the type of article, it may have a title, a summary, a description, etc.

To know what you have to do at each step of writing your article, you can refer to the different parts that explain how to write a web article.

6: Writing

Thinking, Person, Person Thinking

It's time to start writing! Start by writing the outline of your article and the parts of it. You can then write each part, one by one. It is also possible to write the whole text at once. This will allow you to keep an overview. However, it is better to proceed step by step in order to avoid mistakes.

7: Check the spelling

Alphabet, ABC, Spelling, Letters

It is essential that you have someone close to you check your article. This person will be more objective than you and will be able to tell you if your article is understandable. They will also be able to check the spelling of your text and ensure its integrity.

8: Editing the text

Student, Typing, Keyboard, Text

This is not about editing your article but about making it easier to read. In order to do this, you need to make some changes to the paragraphs. You can decide to change the size of the paragraphs, their layout, their line spacing, etc.

9: Create images

Fantasy, Travel, Vacation, Suitcase

You need to create images using free image banks. When you need them, you can also create them yourself. You can get a competent person to help you with this.
10 : Put your article online
E-Mail, Advertising By E-Mail

Once your article is finished, it's time to put it online. In our case, we have posted our article on our website.

That's it! You now have the method if you ever wondered how to write a quality article that is taken into account by search engines. All you have to do is apply our advice to your own case.


Meet, Relationship, Company

As you have seen in this article, the content technique is a very interesting technique that can allow you to achieve specific marketing objectives. However, you should be aware that content creation is a process that requires time and work.

You will have to distinguish yourself from other sites or blogs by offering quality content.

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Thank you for taking the time to read this article on how to write a web article. I hope you've learned something.
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