The Power of Wisdom and Kindness - An Unmissable Vintage Fable!

Dive into a world where magic unfolds when the heart is pure. The story of "The Wise Man Who Made Withered Trees Blossom" is a captivating, delightfully vintage fable that will keep you spellbound from start to finish.

The kind old man lives modestly with his faithful dog Shiro. Until the day Shiro unearths a buried treasure, rewarding his master's immense kindness. But their jealous neighbor has only one idea in mind: seizing this power by any means possible...

"Seizing his spade, with all his strength he struck Shiro and killed him on the spot."

Twists, betrayals and wondrous magic punctuate this tale as exciting as it is edifying. A life lesson sublimated by an enchanting style, to be savored as a family!


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