How do you get your prices accepted?

You have a service or product in place, and you want to promote it. 

Great! But now you need to get your customer to accept your prices. So how do you get your prices accepted?

Why are customers reluctant to pay?

Customers are reluctant to pay because they are not sure they will get what they want. They want to be sure that your promise is real and that you will deliver. For this reason, they don't want to spend money until there is that certainty.

In order to create this trust, you need to show them proof that they will actually receive the item they are entitled to. To do this, you need to know your customers and their expectations. You also need to know your product or service well.

You need to be confident that, even in the face of difficulties, you can deliver on your commitments and meet all demands. This confidence must be maintained after the sale, so that the customer can order again and again.

How do you determine your prices?

The value of your product or service is what you think it is worth. It is mostly your idea of its quality and value. The value of a product or service is not the price at which it sells in the market, but the value that the customer attaches to its purchase. To know what price to set for your products, you need to know the customer's expectations and whether they can be met by what you offer.

How to know the customer's expectations?

The first thing to do is to contact your customers. Ask them what they like or don't like about your product or service, what needs are not met, what ideas they have to improve your product. Gather all the information you can in this way. This will give you a better idea of their business model, i.e. what led them to buy your product and how they use it.

How to know their perception of your product?

Once you've interviewed your customers, it's time to look at the reasons why your customer bought your product or service and try to understand why they find it so interesting. What motivated him to make the decision to buy it? When he uses it, does he feel that it does what it was made to do? Finally, how does he find it in terms of quality and price?

What unmet expectations can you fulfill ?

If you have gathered enough information, you should already be able to understand the unmet needs that can be fulfilled by your product or service.

You can use this information to improve your offering, and you can also use it to advertise to your current and potential customers in a more targeted way.

Develop your sales pitch based on your target audience, your project and your customer base.

Your sales pitch should help your customers accept your prices, understand the value you are giving them. It must also convince them that you are the best choice. To do this, you have to use the right arguments.

Your sales pitch must be clear and complete. This will allow you to seal the deal and sell your product or service.

Your customers will need to understand why you offer a certain product or service. You must prove to them that you are the solution to their problem.

Your sales pitch must be so convincing that it will help them make a decision. Once they do, they won't be able to think about anything else.

A sales pitch should always (be) :

- simple, clear and concise.

- factual and objective.

- well organized.

- show a significant benefit to the customer.

- consistent with the product or service you offer.

- appropriate to your target audience.

You must also be convincing. You have to make customers realize that they have a problem, that they need to find a solution and that they trust you to do so.

It's not easy to create a perfect sales pitch. It takes work and patience.

You have to stay patient and take time to create the perfect sales pitch. It may take several drafts, but over time, you will get there.

Demonstrate the added value of your product.

You have to give value to your customers, this can be by offering them a better service. You can show that your product is easier to use than your competitor's. You can show that it is better to buy your product than someone else's.

Give customers a reason to do business with you instead of going elsewhere.

Show the customer that they benefit from accepting your prices by adding your product to their shopping list.

A good sales pitch should highlight the benefits the customer will get from buying your product.

Demonstrate the added value of your product and show customers that it will be more beneficial for them to buy your product than someone else's.

To create the perfect sales pitch, you can use the following information:

Any first sales pitch should always focus on the customer's need.

You should write this sales pitch as a list of key points. Each point should be developed.

In your sales pitch, you must give the customer a reason to buy your product rather than someone else's.

You must demonstrate the added value of your product and show customers that it will be more advantageous for them to buy your product than someone else's.

These points can be summarized in three main parts:

Your sales pitch should always focus on the customer's need. It should emphasize the benefits the customer will get from buying your product. Demonstrate the added value of your product and show customers that it will be more advantageous for them to accept your prices, your product rather than someone else's.

Know how to justify your price.

illustrations, cliparts, cartoons and icons for sales icons or price tags. special offer discount tag vector design on white background. - price

Talk about it in detail in your sales pitch. Show customers that your product is worth the price and has added value.

Develop a sales pitch that uses the customer's key words. Use phrases that the customer uses often. Don't talk about the benefits only you see in your product, talk about the benefits the customer sees in your product.

You must be able to justify the price of your product. This is called added value. So the customer should be able to understand why your product is worth more than other similar products if that is the case.

Show customers that your product has added value over your competitors' products. This can be easily done by explaining how your product is different from others, and how it is worth the price you are charging.

To convince customers:

Make a connection between the price of the product and the benefit it provides to the customer. This way, you will show customers that the cost is justified.

The price of your product must be understood by the customer. If the price is too high, you risk losing potential customers. If the price is too low, you may have to lower the quality or raise your prices over time.

So you need to find a happy medium. Present the different price options. You can offer a standard version and a luxury version of the same thing.

How do you get your customers to accept your prices?

If your product is more expensive than the competition, it is necessary to demonstrate to your customers how they can save money with your product.

Make them understand that your product is an investment that will pay for itself.

Give comparative elements between the competition and your product.

What should you look for when selling?

It is not enough to sell your product, you must also sell your service.

Show your customers that your service is more valuable than another service of your customers.

Show your customers why they should accept your prices, choose your service rather than another.

Give visibility to your service.

Demonstrate that you are the reference professional in your field.

What are the different stages of a sale?

The customer does not buy because of the offer:

But because of the service provided by the seller.

As well as for the advantages that he will be able to withdraw from the product.

But also for the benefit he can get from it.

The customer doesn't want to understand your product, he wants to understand the benefit he can get from it.

The purchase of a product is the consequence of a need.


If you are a service seller, you are not selling a product, but a service. As a merchant, you are an actor who intervenes in the life of a customer. You do not sell a thing, you sell a vision of the world. you do not sell a product, but a solution.

Buying is not a rational decision, it is an emotional decision. So the salesperson is in the role of the intermediary between the business world and the private world. When a customer has decided to buy, he doesn't need a salesman anymore. You have to create a relationship with your customers, bring them added value.

In short, let's do a little experiment that will help you.

Do you have any examples of products or services that you have bought or sold, and that you describe as a bad sales experience? What went wrong in this commercial relationship? What would you have done differently to make this relationship more fluid, more friendly?

Have you ever felt trapped by a sales argument?

Do you have any examples of products or services that you would describe as a good sales experience? What worked in that sales relationship? What would you have done differently to turn that relationship into a bad experience?

What do you think about the need for a personal sales attitude and what did you learn from your experience?

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