How to create a well known brand ?

We tend to think that the most successful brands come from big companies when we ask ourselves how to create a brand. In reality, this is not the case. In fact, global brands are often the result of the initiative of one or more individuals. They know how to create real stories around their company (we love stories).

For example, if we look at the list of the biggest global brands according to Interbrand (1), we have : Apple, Google, Microsoft, IBM... and all companies created by one or more individuals (Steve Jobs for Apple, Sergey Brin and Larry Page for Google, Bill Gates for Microsoft...)!

You may think that this is an exception... Well no! It is the rule! This is what Frédéric Laloux (2) demonstrated in his book "Management Evolutif". Indeed, great companies are most often born from the initiative of one or several individuals who have been able to raise funds and create real stories around their companies.

Here is the example of Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in 2004 based on the networking platform LinkedIn. Today, Facebook is a global brand worth $60 billion.
And what has he done to make it happen? He created a real story! He convinced investors, employees, students but most importantly Facebook users to use his platform. And that story continues today because people are still there and will continue to be there.
The key is to create a story.

But to create a real story, you have to be a visionary.
That is, you have to be able to make the link between the present and the future.
Indeed, it's all about foresight. The best entrepreneurs project themselves into the future and see what will happen in an exceptional way. They anticipate trends and build their companies on these trends.
This is what allowed Apple to develop its iPhone by anticipating the smartphone wave. And it's what allowed Facebook to create a real story by anticipating the social networking craze among developers.
The key to being a successful entrepreneur is anticipating the changes to come.

Successful brands are successful simply because they understand that the world is constantly changing.
So the key to a successful business is to understand the nature of the world.

1. Become a recognized name in your field Marilyn Monroe, Celebrity, Woman

Creating a brand is great, but people still need to know who you are.

As such, it is important that your brand stands out and is recognized.

How to become a recognized name in your field?

There are several ways to become a known name in your field:

social networks and web 2.0: this is one of the simplest and most effective possibilities. Indeed, with the Internet, you can easily distribute content on a large scale. All you have to do is take the time to create your blog to promote yourself, or use social networks such as Facebook or Twitter to spread your brand.

Media: there are several ways to appear in the media. Some of the most effective methods include sponsorship, advertising, negotiating a partnership with another company, etc.

Word of mouth: This is perhaps the simplest and most effective way to make your company known. A good service or a good quality product can bring you many customers, which will allow your company to be known by a large public.

Advertising: You can use advertising to publicize your business, whether you are a small or large company. There are dozens of types of advertising, which you can use depending on your budget.

The important thing is to be able to find the most effective way to get the word out.

3. Be inspired by others

Creative, Be Creative, Write, Bulb

Creativity can help you come up with new ideas but that's not all. You also need to know how to use the ideas of others.

You can develop your skills and abilities by listening to others.

Finding interesting ideas also means:

Listening to what your customers say and observing the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.

Reading books, the press, television, the Internet and the news.

Observing what your colleagues and friends are doing.

Taking inspiration from others can help you create original and useful ideas.

These can be ideas that have an immediate impact on your company/brand or that are likely to set you apart from your competitors.

In short, they can be ideas that will help you achieve a number of specific goals.

You don't need to have all the answers, but you do need to be aware of what you want to achieve.

Creativity is a process that needs to be integrated into the way you are and the way you act on a daily basis.

4. Find your style

Musician, Rockstar, Band, Music

A style is a set of elements that make up your company, your brand, your products, your services, your communication, the design of your products, the structure of your after-sales service, the way you choose suppliers, how you treat your customers.

Your style must be consistent with your personality, your story and your goals.

To build yours, you need to take the time to think about what you want to do, what your aspirations are and what you want to achieve.

Be aware of how you want others to perceive you.

For example, if you have a very strong personality, you may decide that your style will be fun, positive, humorous and colorful. If you have a more subdued personality, your products can be understated and classic. If you want people to believe in your business, it is important that your style reflects what you want to convey: confidence, trust, quality, service, etc.

A well-defined style creates a visual identity and a coherent representation of your company.

It is through your style that you create a bond with your customers, your name even becomes a symbol that connects them to you and your brand.

Your style should be consistent with the message you want to convey.

For example, if you want to reach a young and female clientele, it is important to have a style that corresponds to this target. If you want to address a more mature audience, your image must reflect that.

Your style must be in line with your ambitions and your team.

Your style should be in line with your business/marketing objectives.

If you want to sell high-end products, your vocabulary should reflect that.

For example, for a high-end audience, you will use different phrases than when addressing a general audience.

High-end: Choose your payment preference below.

You can spread your payment over 3 monthly installments.

General public: Indicate your payment method below.

You can pay in 3 installments without fees.

Your style must be in line with your target.

Finally, it is important to know that in a competitive environment such as that of companies, there is always a risk that a competitor copies or imitates your image and your style. To be sure to protect your brand, it is recommended to use original exploitation techniques and offbeat ideas.

Your style should reflect :

a positioning (different from the competitor).

an original image.

Your photographs must be original.

Therefore, create your own style and visual identity.

5. Use persuasion with maximum strategy.

The first step is to choose the different media to use for your communication, according to their cost and effectiveness.

Thus, you can use the written press (newspapers, magazines), the electronic press (websites, blogs), the audiovisual press (television, radio), advertising in public transport or advertising in privileged places such as hotels...

Choose the media according to their effectiveness.

For example, if you are a cosmetics brand, avoid publishing ads in the print media because readers are not potential consumers of cosmetics. Therefore, you risk wasting your advertising budget.

On the other hand, if you are a men's clothing brand, it is recommended to have a website and to publish articles in the print media (men's magazines).

You can use one or more persuasion techniques.

To better help you choose the techniques and media to use, here is the list of persuasion techniques:

- Persuasion by the power of precedent: you show a product that is very successful. You will then incite the consumer to buy your product in order to be in harmony with the company. For example, wearing Zara brand clothes shows that you are financially well off.

- Virtue persuasion: you get the consumer to buy your product by making them believe that it is virtuous or that they are doing good. For example, by buying an organic product, the consumer will realize that he or she is more thoughtful and environmentally friendly and will therefore wear the brand's clothing.

- Persuasion through compliance: you encourage the consumer to buy your product by promising them a good image. For example, by buying organic products, the consumer would feel better.

- Reputation persuasion: you encourage the consumer to buy your product by making them believe that it is valued by others. For example, by buying Zara brand clothes, the consumer will be fashionable.

- Persuasion by tradition: you encourage the consumer to buy your product by making him believe that it is old, that it is still used. For example, by buying organic products, the consumer will be in the tradition.

- Persuasion by irrational argument: you encourage the consumer to buy your product by making him believe that the products are very good. For example, by buying an organic product, the consumer will feel very good.

- Oppositional persuasion: you get the consumer to buy your product by making them believe that it is opposed to the beliefs of others. For example, buying organic products would make the consumer feel different.

- Persuasion by threat: you get the consumer to buy your product by making them believe that if they don't, they will get into trouble. For example, by buying organic products, the consumer will avoid getting sick.

- Persuasion by suggestion: you induce the consumer to buy your product by making him believe that there is a desire for something or someone. For example, by buying organic products, the consumer will feel less guilty.

- Reward persuasion: you get the consumer to buy your product by making them believe that they will get a reward for doing so. For example, by buying organic products, the consumer will feel more ecological.

- Social Responsibility Persuasion: You get the consumer to buy your product by making them believe that they have a social responsibility. For example, by buying organic products, the consumer will feel more responsible for the well-being of nature.

- Urgency persuasion: you induce the consumer to buy your product by making him believe that he has no time to think about it. For example, by buying organic products, the consumer will feel pressured to do it quickly.

- Rationalization persuasion: you get the consumer to buy your product by making them believe they have no other choice. For example, by buying organic products, the consumer will not be in contact with all that pollution.

- Persuasion by reassurance: you encourage the consumer to buy your product by making them believe that they can do this. For example, by buying organic products, the consumer will feel capable of making a difference.

Strategic persuasion is a communication technique used to change the mind of the consumer (especially the mass consumer). Several techniques can be used such as communication by example, communication by reassurance, communication by urgency, content marketing etc.

Strategic persuasion is part of relationship marketing, which tends to get closer to the needs of the consumer. Relationship marketing uses seduction and empathy to change the consumer's mind.


In this article, I have explained the methods of obtaining trademarks. These methods are easy to use. To create well-known brands, relationship marketing is a good option. It is a communication technique that allows you to change the consumer's mind by giving them an advantage. Relationship marketing allows you to be close to the consumer.

To learn more about communication and marketing, I recommend you read "Marketing" by Marc Guillet and "The Art of Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini.

If you want to create your own brand, I recommend you to read " Le marketing de la marque " by Gilles Babinet and " L'enjeu de la marque " by Eric Boyer.
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