Project owner: 6 tips to get support from your family

You are a project owner and you have a project in which you wish to invest yourself. You think you have the potential to succeed and achieve what you have always dreamed of. But someone spills a bucket of ice cubes on your head and says, "This is a completely ridiculous idea." Or, "Why don't you just give up? You'll never get started." In those moments, you want a shoulder to lean on, the support of those around you in your family and/or business who will help you make it happen.

But how do you get the support of the people around you as a project owner? Sometimes it is difficult to convince the people who matter to you. Hence the importance of finding the right arguments and knowing how to present them.

1. Understand your feelings as a project owner!

Before seeking support from your family and friends, it is important to understand your own feelings as a project owner. Everyone reacts differently to the idea of starting a project.

First, let's do a little introspection.

1 You say to yourself, "I don't really know if I should go down this road. You lack confidence, feel shy, not hardworking enough, etc."

And if you hang out with people like you, they will be afraid of being confronted with your possible rejection and will therefore try to discourage you.

2 You are afraid to succeed: "I don't want everyone pointing at me and asking me for everything when I succeed. I'm not ready to get it all."

3 You are afraid of failure: "If I go down this road and fail, I will have wasted a lot of time and money. I will bring shame on my family, friends and myself."

4 You don't know how to go about it. "I don't know what kind of project this is. I don't even know how I would talk about it.

In short, the project owner that you are is afraid of everything: to succeed, to fail, to leave his comfort zone but also to launch his project.

Have you done this introspection work? Do you feel the same fears? If so, you must do something to overcome them.

2 Here are some tips to help you overcome your fears:

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1. Be careful how you think. First, make sure that what you are thinking is real and valid. You may be thinking, "All the people around me are just ordinary people who won't support me in my project. However, if you don't tell them, how can they help you? You may believe that you don't have what it takes to succeed. But if you don't try, how can you know?

2 And make sure you don't rely on others to do the work for you. This can be tempting. That way you won't have to take risks and be afraid to fail. But if you don't take care of things yourself, how can you expect to succeed?

3 Look after your image. You might think it's a detail, but appearance is extremely important. You need to make sure that you look good to show that you care about your project and that you take care of it. Your appearance is a very important aspect of your image.

4 Trust yourself. This is a strange thing to say, but if you don't have confidence in yourself, how are you going to be able to convince others that you are right for this project? Thus, you need to be able to answer this question, "Am I capable of succeeding?"

5 Don't stay focused on the past. Every time you make a mistake, put it behind you. Think more about the future and your project.

6 Be generous. People will be more willing to help you if you show that you are interested in helping them too. You need to show that you are willing to go out of your way for those around you and that they know it.

7 Be optimistic. If you think your chances are slim, that's exactly what will happen. You can't decide what will happen, but you can decide what you will do. Don't wait for things to happen to you, make them happen.

8 Be willing to learn. In all art schools, one of the rules is to act like you are a student, not a teacher. You must always show that you are willing to learn as much as you can.

9 Be upbeat. Respect is about behavior and confidence. If you are defeatist, others will not be eager to help you.

10 Never give up. One of the worst leaders is the one who gives up at the first sign of trouble. Trust yourself and do your best in all circumstances.

11 Be honest with yourself. You need to evaluate yourself properly to know if you are making progress or not. To do this, you need to set realistic and specific goals for yourself, based on your abilities and experience.

12 You must be willing to make sacrifices. A project may not succeed. You may fail. But if you set your sights high, you may succeed even more than you imagined.

13 Don't be discouraged if your project fails. You also need to recognize if your project didn't work. Studying the reasons why it didn't work will help you get through it.

14 It is essential to take initiative. You can't wait for someone else to give you the green light. If you don't take action, no one will do it for you.

15 Now, get started! There is no better time than now to start a project. Don't waste time wondering whether or not you're going to do it. And start doing what you have to do.

16 If you need help, go get it. There is always a chance that there is someone out there who can help you with a project. Don't be too proud to ask for the help you need.

3 Generally speaking, there are 6 tips for getting support from your loved ones:

1. Set a realistic goal

First of all, think about defining your project to make it achievable. What are you going to do? How will you do it? Why or why not? Also define the time you intend to take to achieve the goal you have set.

2 Make your project credible

Your project may be feasible, but isn't it a little crazy? Before presenting it, demonstrate to a small group that you have the ability to succeed as a project owner. Ask yourself how your project is innovative? What is its vision?

3 Remain calm

It is important to remain calm and collected. Above all, remember that you are the person most likely to get excited about a project and that you know better than anyone what you can do.

4 Is the project viable?

To convince others, it is essential that you are convinced that your project will succeed. Therefore, it is important to show your motivation and determination.

5 Communicate! Communicate! Communicate!

It is important to communicate with the people who matter to you, the people who will be influenced by your project. Don't be shy, talk about it to your friends and family.

6 Is your project feasible?

Once you have presented your project, people will ask you questions. They will want to know if you have the ability to achieve the goal you have set for yourself. If you are not sure, say so.

If your project is feasible, it must also be profitable. To be sure, ask yourself:

If your project is viable, feasible, profitable?

These three questions will ensure that your project is viable, feasible and profitable. If you are not sure that your project is viable, feasible and profitable, then it is better not to launch your business. You could be wasting your time and money.


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Before starting a new business, it is important to ask yourself the right questions as a project owner. You must do a market study to know if your project is viable, feasible and profitable. Then, be ready to communicate to sell your offer and improve it as you go along. This will allow you to make your business known and credible.

Don't forget that beyond the approval of your family and friends, the only master is the market. Besides, it is the market that will tell you if you are right or wrong.

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