Don't do it anyway!

Today, I'm writing this article to tell you about 4 mistakes that many entrepreneurs or project owners make when they try to communicate about their products or services. 

These are classic mistakes and especially fatal ones!

Making these mistakes will put you in serious difficulty to sell your products or services. 

So I had to write to you to make sure you don't make them.

Are you ready?

So here goes...

Many entrepreneurs or project owners forget to do something very important before starting their business. They forget to simply do market research to find the right business strategy.

By the way, when was the last time you did a market study to understand your target's objectives, difficulties, ideal solution, etc.? 

They start from their intuitions to make decisions and hope that reality will match their dreams. 

Skipping this step does not allow them to communicate effectively, especially in a world increasingly saturated by advertising messages.

And for those who do market research, they do it with the means at hand without really knowing how to do it professionally. 

They then commit the second mistake which is the inability to surround themselves.  

Entrepreneurship is like a team sport. All successful entrepreneurs have the ability to surround themselves. 

Understand that your time is limited. We all have 24 hours in a day.

The only way to move in the right direction is to know how to use the time of others, i.e. their expertise. Not only does this avoid mistakes, wasting time and money, but it also ensures that you don't end up frustrated. Believe me, anything we don't know will end up being detrimental to us. 

The third mistake entrepreneurs and project owners make is that they confuse technical skills with entrepreneurship.

Before starting their business, many entrepreneurs know that they are good at what they do and they start by saying to themselves "Why should I work for my boss? I am good at what I do, I will start my own business".

It's clearly a mistake to think that way. Just because you're good at something technical doesn't mean that you're good at business, at running a business.  

It is very important and critical to understand the distinction between technician and entrepreneur.

You can have excellent technical skills but lack crucial business skills.

If you are good from a technical point of view but you feel that you lack the skills to go to the next level then I have a surprise for you at the end of this article.

And finally the fourth mistake entrepreneurs and project owners make is to always think that their case is different. 

Whatever problem you have or will encounter, someone has already experienced it and found a solution. 

The mistake is to think that you are an isolated case and that the solution proposed to you will not work for you.

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