25 Strategies to Gain Visibility and Multiply Your Sales

Knowing how to get visibility and increase your traffic on the internet is one of the secrets of a successful business. Indeed, increased visibility on search engines and other platforms, especially online, brings more customers and sales. In this article, we offer 25 strategies to help you increase your traffic and visibility online.

1. sales tunnels

a drawing that represents a sales tunnel to get visibility

What is a sales tunnel? It is a succession of steps that lead the Internet user to the purchase. The sales tunnel allows you to understand and accompany the customer's journey so that they can convert.

Exploring the use of a sales tunnel could allow you, for example, to understand the behavior of Internet users on your site and to make the necessary improvements to convert them. The sales tunnel consists of 6 steps:

Analysis of customer behavior

Knowing your customers, their needs, expectations and motivations is the prerequisite for optimization. Data analysis can be very useful to

study the behavior of customers, and the different stages of conversion. Are your customers receptive to offers? What are the right times to buy? Which pages lead to purchase? How do your prospects go from waiting to buying? What are the key conversion levers? The goal of using data analysis is to define a sales goal and strategy, using the steps defined in the sales tunnel.

Sales tunnels offer the possibility to get visibility, even if you don't have a website. They can help you sell your products and services. They also allow you to increase your database and allow you to increase your revenue.

2. Create your own multimedia content

Online commercials are much more effective than traditional TV spots. They are shorter, more interesting and more eye-catching. In addition, they are better adapted to smartphones and tablets, which improves their visibility.

So it is possible to use online commercials to promote your business. All you need to do is take photos and videos that illustrate your products and services well. Don't hesitate to hire professionals to make these films.

3. Create video content for your website

Videos are also very popular on the Internet and Internet users pay particular attention to those they like. It is therefore possible to create videos that interest potential customers and broadcast them on the web to improve the visibility of your business. To make these videos, you can either make them yourself, use the services of professionals or ask employees of your company to make them.

4. Join forums and community sites

Forums and community sites are very popular on the Internet. It is therefore possible to promote your company by posting interesting messages that will attract the attention of Internet users.

Moreover, this will allow you to create a community around your brand, which is very good for your business.

5. Create a channel on YouTube

YouTube is the most famous video sharing site on the internet. It is therefore a good idea to post videos there to promote your business. To do this, you need to create a YouTube channel and post videos that interest potential customers.

You must also associate your channel with keywords related to your activity and the location of your business.

This will allow you to reference your channel well and keep your potential customers coming back.

6. Create a blog

There are professional blogs, specialized in a particular field. They are usually provided by agencies or companies in order to promote their products and services. By creating a blog, you will be able to promote your business and publish articles that will interest your potential customers.

However, it is important to know that the success of a blog depends on its content and its quality. To do this, you need to know your field of activity well and be able to write relevant articles. Get help from a professional in your field or if you don't have the time to write articles, hire a web writer.

You can also take inspiration from professional blogs to create your own.

7. Opt for natural referencing

Natural referencing is one of the most effective ways to promote your company on the Internet. It consists, first of all, in optimizing your website so that it is visible to search engines, then in inserting links to your activities and products.

To optimize your website, you must first seek information on the exact requests that could be made by Internet users when they are on the web. It is therefore a work of monitoring and analysis.

You can then use a word processor to format the query you have identified. Then you can display the results on your website, while creating links to your activities and your products.

You can also call upon a natural referencing specialist if you don't have the time or the desire to do so.

Good SEO can be a great way to promote your business for free or almost free. However, be aware that SEO is a team effort, so it's often helpful to hire an SEO consultant to optimize your website.

You can also create links to your business and products by writing articles about your company, products and services. However, avoid writing too many articles without knowing which keywords will help you gain visibility.

Don't forget that SEO is a team effort and that it is therefore preferable to call upon SEO specialists to optimize your website and thus enable you to increase your visibility on the web.

8. emailing

Your website is in place, it is optimized for the natural referencing, you must now make it known. You can indeed resort to an effective promotion strategy to make you known: the mailing.

The mailing is basically sending personalized emails to hundreds or even thousands of people. By using a marketing agency, you will benefit from a very effective mailing that will be sent, for example, to the customers of a company that has not necessarily placed an order with you, but that could be interested in your products or services.

The mailing also allows you to create a customer database, very important for your company, and to have a very fast return on investment.

E-mailing is a very efficient marketing tool that can allow you to increase your customers' loyalty and your turnover, but be careful, you have to respect some rules.

You can first call on your marketing agency to advise you, or inform yourself on the subject by consulting specialized sites.


This technique consists in making targeted advertising, by making appear advertisements on Internet sites, or television programs, which are in connection with the research carried out by the Internet users. This type of advertising is one of the most effective sales techniques.

You can ask your marketing agency to do this, or find out more about it on specialized websites.

10 Social networks

Social networks are essential tools in digital marketing. They allow you to communicate quickly and to spread information to a large number of people, while being very effective.

You can use social networks to make yourself known and build customer loyalty, but also to communicate about your offers or services, or to make targeted advertising.

Create pages on the different social networks, as well as groups and personal accounts. You can also use mobile applications to distribute information.

Decide on the strategy to implement, but also recruit an expert to do it for you if you are not comfortable enough in this field. For this, you can use a specialized social network such as Web Marketing Manager.

11 Word of mouth

Word of mouth is one of the best ways to improve your visibility and your reputation. It is a good way to keep your customers loyal and to make them talk about you.

To do this, you need to manage your customer relations well, and have products and services that meet your customers' expectations. You can also set up loyalty campaigns to get people talking about you. Give your customers a valid reason to talk about you and encourage other people to come to you without it being engaging for them.

12 Events

You can organize events to attract people and get the word out. This will allow you to promote your brand and attract new customers.

You can organize themed events, special events, or simply based on your products and services. You can also organize events on the Internet, such as web-conferences, web-seminars or web-workshops.

13 The transmission of your knowledge

A group of people discussing the importance of transmitting knowledge to gain visibility. 

It is possible to transmit your knowledge and become a reference on a particular subject. This can be done through books, articles, videos, podcasts ... You can use the creation of an E-book for example to share your knowledge with others.

This means of communication is very effective to make yourself known and to retain customers. You can link to your E-book on your website, on Facebook, on Twitter... It is also possible to create a blog and to develop your knowledge there

14 Partnerships

You can ally yourself with other people who have complementary products or services to yours. This will allow you to promote their products and services while promoting your own. If you use a partner, it is a good idea to offer him a remuneration, but this should not be considered as a determining element.

15 Influence

You can use the influence of social media, your blog and your site. If you have a strong presence on social networks, this can have a positive effect on your image.

But even more on the number of people who know about your products and services. You can also use the influence of different blogs, sites or forums to make your products and services known.

16 Link exchange

You can offer a referral link to other sites that have complementary products or services to yours. This means that search engines will point to their products and services while pointing to yours. The link exchange should not be too heavy. Don't ask other sites to refer customers to you, create a link between the two sites.

17 Participation in events

You can participate in events that take place in your field of activity. This can be a very good way to promote your products and services. You can participate in events such as a specific industry trade show. Or events that take place in your city or region. For example, you can make presentations to a group of people interested in your field of activity.

18 Training and certification

You can offer training and certification in your field. This can be a great way to promote your products and services. You can also specialize in a certain industry or sector.

Sales tunnels offer their clients the opportunity to gain visibility, even if you don't have a website. They can help you sell your products and services on various platforms like eBay. They also allow you to increase your database and allow you to increase your sales.

19 Group activities

You can also promote your products and services by joining an association, club or group that is interested in your field of activity. You can also organize meetings to discuss topics related to your field of activity.

20 Newspaper articles

Press articles are a good way to gain visibility. To inform your potential customers, you can think about writing an article about your company. This can be used as a support for marketing campaigns. You can send your article to magazines, newspapers and websites that need it. The best articles are those written with stories, facts and statistics that will appeal to readers.

21 Advertising

Advertising can be an effective way to increase your visibility and awareness. However, it is important to consider your goals before choosing an advertising option. Advertising can be quite costly and the investment may not be worth it. It is therefore important to define your objectives and evaluate them in order to achieve them.

Whatever your industry, only 3% are looking for an immediate solution.

So I recommend that you do value-added advertising such as ebooks, free appointments etc. to get your target's attention. Once you have their contact information, you will be able to create a trusting relationship by providing even more value and sell naturally without forcing.

22 Direct marketing

You can advertise your products and services by sending brochures to people. You can also send brochures to people who have expressed an interest in your field by joining a mailing list in your field.

23 Displays

a billboard that illustrates this strategy for getting visibility

Blank billboard mockup for advertising, City street background

You can publicize your products and services by posting them in public places, such as entertainment venues, on billboards or in shopping malls.

24 Public relations

Public relations are important in the business world. It helps to raise your company's profile and reputation. For many companies, public relations is essential to attracting the public and the media to their products and services. Public relations can be used to generate goodwill, which helps spread the word about a cause or idea.

You can raise awareness of your products and services by befriending influential people in your field. You can also use public relations to talk about the merits of your company and its products and services.

25 Seminars and conferences

Conferences are a good way to get a significant presence in the marketplace. By organizing a conference, you will have the opportunity to present your products and services and also to get acquainted with your potential customers. A conference can be organized in your company's offices or in a public place, such as a cultural center or a trade show.


To increase your visibility and multiply your sales, it is important to publicize and promote your products and services. The more visible you are, the more likely you are to be known. However, it is important to know that in order to have a good visibility, it is necessary to invest a significant budget. Indeed, visibility can be obtained through different strategies. It is therefore important to use all the possibilities available to you in order to give a good visibility to your company. It is important to choose the strategies that best correspond to your sector of activity and your objectives. Avoid spreading yourself too thin and use all possible means to obtain the desired visibility.

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